Paul King, MD

Dr. Paul King, a board-certified psychiatrist, is the medical director of Parkwood Behavioral Health System. He earned a master’s degree in microbiology, his MD from Cornell University Medical College, his psychiatric training at New York Hospital’s Payne Whitney Psychiatric Clinic, and fellowship training in child psychiatry at the University of Tennessee. Dr. King has trained psychiatric residents and taught in high school, college and medical school. He has been practicing in Tennessee and Mississippi for over 30 years.

In 1988, Dr. King authored “Sex, Drugs, Rock-n-Roll: Healing Today’s Troubled Youth”. He has testified on adolescent issues at a U.S. Senate subcommittee hearing in 1996 and worked with Tipper Gore, wife of former Vice President Al Gore, on community issues involving our youth. He also serves as the medical director for the CME Institute of Physicians Postgraduate Press, which adds to the education of practicing psychiatrists.