Adolescent Inpatient Services
The adolescent unit offers teen inpatient services including intensive therapeutic, medical and psychiatric treatment designed to address active suicidal thoughts, psychosis, major depression, substance abuse, violent behavior, delusional thoughts and other symptoms of a behavioral health disorder. Individual, group, family and activity therapy are included in inpatient treatment for teens as needed.
Signs Your Teen May Need Help:
- Marked decline in school performance
- Inability to cope with problems and daily activities
- Marked changes in sleeping or eating habits
- Extreme difficulties with concentration
- Sexually acting out
- Depression shown by prolonged negative attitude
- Severe mood swings
- Strong worries or anxieties
- Repeated use of alcohol or drugs
- Intense fear of obesity, excessive dieting, purging or using laxatives to lose weight
- Persistent nightmares
- Threats of self-harm or harm to others
- Self-harm or self-destructive behavior
- Adolescent substance abuse
- Frequent outbursts of aggression
- Repeated threats to run away
- Opposition to authority, truancy, theft or vandalism
- Strange thoughts, beliefs, feelings or unusual behaviors
What About Their Educational Needs?
Parkwood Behavioral Health provides education services which include academic enrichment and tutoring. Adolescent treatment comes with challenges unique to teens, and adolescent inpatient mental health services take these needs, including education, into account.
Do We Also Include Non-Traditional Therapies?
- Art therapy
- Pet therapy
- Pharmacy group
- Yoga
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